September 12th
This morning as I am preparing myself for my first visit to Unbroken, I’m shocked to receive a text message from Suspilne State Television requesting an interview tomorrow at Superhumans. My goal has been to uplift a handful of soldiers and their families, but.. this? A feature on Ukrainian national news? If aired, it could touch the lives of millions of Ukrainian viewers. I stumble around the kitchen, trying to wrap my wits around that while wrestling with my fear of public speaking. (My interview appears at 8:07 minutes in)
I’m reciting my new mantra “This isn’t about me”. I’m simply a small messenger of a larger story that serves a higher purpose. I’ll do fine, but at the moment it’s challenging to regulate my nervous system. Meanwhile, I’m expecting Unbroken to house, in addition to amputees, burn victims, those with facial reconstructions in process, etc.
With large kind eyes, brown hair and a ready smile, Julia from Unbroken arrives in a taxi to accompany me during my entire facility visit as liaison, translator, and new friend. (read more)